Feature requests
Submit IdeaTikTok Source
We are doing more and more campaigns on TikTok. Would be great to see this on Curator. π
Darren C#Sources #οΈβ£2
Lazy loading
This would really help with usability and page load speed.
Mike Hill#Improvement π0
Small Resolution Images
Reduce the resolution of the images used in the layout would reduce the time the page loads. For instance, each image loaded in the our layout has a resolution of 1080x1350px, when the one needed onsite is maximum 600x750px. Instagram API itself is able to provide smaller resolution images.
Ezequiel B#Improvement π#Styling π¨#Integrations π1
Implement Blur Hash
To increase load speed it would be great to have the option of adding Blur Hash to my feed. https://blurha.sh/
Mike H#Improvement π#Feeds π¦#Styling π¨0
CSS Minification
We have noticed that there is a performance issue with Curator. CSS is not minified. Our client who is keen on performance asks you to minify your CSS, so that our sites are a bit faster.
Roman Z#Styling π¨0
Instagram Stories
Many people are doing more with stories than with posts. So the stories are often more actual than the posts. Maybe you include them before the posts so the users see them direct.
Peter H#Improvement π#Sources #οΈβ£#Feeds π¦4
Language support for embeds
Define or set feed language via parameter in the embed code widget. In this case you could use the same Curator feed for different languages on the website.
Corsin S#Improvement π#Feeds π¦#Integrations π0
Web hook for article deletion
A web hook to notify us if posts or articles are deleted would be very useful.
Lari H#Improvement π#API πΎ0
More detailed help videos
The main walkthrough video is ok but it misses a lot of features. Can you please do more help videos for each feature on the platform?
Sarah F1
Instagram @mention source
We use @mentions in our campaigns more than hashtags, and sometimes in conjunction with #hashtags. It would be great to add @mentions as a seperate source if possible.
Mike Hill#Sources #οΈβ£0
Count number of posts
We would like to count the number of posts via one feed. It's great for social challenges (for example: when we reach 20K #myhastag posts, we reveal our secret).
Ana#Improvement π0
Support for Yammer
A lot of businesses use Yammer for internal social media. It would be nice to be able to connect to yammer without using a third party tool such as zapier
Bill T#Sources #οΈβ£#Feeds π¦#Integrations π0
Make the headline from a RSS source link to the article (not the homepage)
Hello, Currently, the headline of an RSS post links to the homepage of the originating site, not the article itself. People clicking on a headline expect to read the article. Anything else feels broken. Let's have the headline link to the article.
Borislav D#Improvement π#Sources #οΈβ£#Feeds π¦0
Add Reddit!
Just wanted to request adding a new network - Reddit! Many creators, brands, games, series, etc. have a subreddit, from which TONS of user generated content is made. They have an API, but also RSS and JSON feeds. i.e. https://www.reddit.com/r/discoverEarth/new/.rss https://www.reddit.com/r/discoverEarth/new/.json Hope it gets considered!
Ben M#Sources #οΈβ£0
Facebook Groups Source
Many of my clients run Facebook Groups. Will Facebook allow curation of group posts? This would be super helpful!
Sarah F#Sources #οΈβ£0